Greer-Bette Grace (Smythe) Born – Aug. 14, 1925 in Detroit, Michigan moved to Canada in 1940. Married Steve Smythe March 1945, and had four sons Robert (Rita), Doug (Sherry), Brian – deceased, Matt (Cindy). Divorced in 1972. Employment: worked full time for 25 years; Grosse Pointe Memorial Church for 7 years, Christian Education secretary; University Leggett School 18 years to Headmaster Middle School. Married 1986- Jim Greer, dear friend – high school – Canadian three stepchildren Terri (Ed), Jane (Paul), Pat deceased. Retired from ULS. 1987. Our families had 10 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Enjoyed our two cottages in Cananda – crossed the border many times – lived in both countries. Hobbies – needle work, knitting, sewing, crocheting, gardening, decorating, and reading. Faithful church goer – St. John the Apostles Anglican. Cherished many long friendships. Love of dogs – Sandy, Ferguson, Bailey, and Nelson. Jim and I traveled to Alaska, Hawaii, British Isles, Caribbean, and many parts of Western Canada and U. S. , as well as Eastern Canada.